Library checkout process:
- Students may check out four books at one time. Students may place five books on hold during each checkout cycle and up to four of these books will be checked out to the student and placed in a blue bag in library bins (marked by grade) during material distribution.

- Browse the Walt Disney Library website to select books and place them on hold. Students have to be logged in in order to place a hold. In the catalog click the details button of a book of your interest - click the "hold it" button to place a hold. Choose carefully, holds can not be deleted and changed.
- Library books are due back at your next material distribution! Please place books to be returned on the library cart outside the school office marked "Disney Library Book Return".
Place holds by: February 17th
Pickup at Material Distribution: February 25th-26th
Library Books Due: March 25th-26th
Place holds by: March 17th
Pickup at Material Distribution: March 25th-26th
Library Books Due: April 29th-30th
All hold requests need to be placed no later than Wednesday the week before the next scheduled school wide material Distribution.

Library login information: Click the Walt Disney Library button (top right corner) to access the library website. Click "Login" (top right corner)
User Name: Is your student 'wd.first initial last name' log in. Example, if your name is Sparky Scales your user name is: wd.sscales . Some students have a number at the end of their user name.
Password: ID# followed by your 6-digit student number. Example, ID#012345
Go to the:
"Catalog" tab to search the library website using the options on the screen.
or click
"Destiny Discover" - in menu on left side - to browse recent additions, popular titles, online resources and you can also make a search.